Java keyword

detailed explanation of each Java keyword in simple language:

  • abstract: Used to declare an abstract class or method. An abstract class cannot be instantiated, and an abstract method does not have a body.
  • assert: Used for debugging purposes to check whether a given expression is true or false. If the expression is false, an Assertion Error is thrown.
  • boolean: Used to declare a variable of boolean type, which can have the value true or false.
  • break: Used to terminate the current loop or switch statement.
  • byte: Used to declare a variable of byte type, which is a signed 8-bit integer.
  • case: Used in switch statements to specify a case that matches a given value.
  • catch: Used to catch and handle exceptions that are thrown by a try block.
  • char: Used to declare a variable of character type, which represents a single Unicode character.
  • class: Used to define a new class in Java.
  • const: This keyword is not used in modern versions of Java and is reserved for possible future use.
  • continue: Used to skip the current iteration of a loop and continue with the next iteration.
  • default: Used in switch statements to specify a default case if none of the other cases match the given value.
  • do: Used to create a do-while loop, which executes a block of code at least once and then continues as long as a given condition