Features of Java

 The portability, simplicity, and security of the Java programming language were its main design goals.
Along with these, this language has some other great qualities that contribute significantly to its widespread use.
Java buzzwords are another name for the Java features.
The most significant characteristics of the Java language are listed her


  1. Simple
  2. Object-Oriented
  3. Portable
  4. Platform independent
  5. Secured
  6. Robust
  7. Architecture neutral
  8. Interpreted
  9. High Performance
  10. Multithreaded
  11. Distributed
  12. Dynamic



Java is incredibly straightforward to learn, and its grammar is clear, concise, and simple to comprehend.
Sun Microsystem claims that Java is an easy-to-learn programming language because:

As Java syntax is based on C++, learning it after C++ is simpler for programmers.

Several complex and little used features, such as explicit pointers and operator overloading, have been eliminated from Java.

Since Java has automatic garbage collection, there is no need to get rid of unreferenced objects. 


A language for object-oriented programming is Java.
In Java, every element is an object.
Because our software is object-oriented, it is organised as a collection of various objects that include both data and behaviour. 

By establishing some guidelines, the practise known as object-oriented programming (OOPs) makes it easier to design and maintain software.
Fundamental OOP ideas include:

  1. Object
  2. Class
  3. Inheritance
  4. Polymorphism
  5. Abstraction
  6. Encapsulation 

Platform Independent

 Because Java is a write-once, run-anywhere language, it is distinct from other languages like C, C++, etc. that are compiled into platform specific machines.
The hardware or software environment that a programme runs in is referred to as a platform.

Software-based and hardware-based platforms are the two different categories. A platform based on software is offered by Java.

Because it is a software-based platform that runs on top of other hardware-based platforms, the Java platform is unique from most other platforms. It consists of two parts:

Environment Runtime API (Application Programming Interface)

Java code can run on a variety of operating systems, including Windows, Linux, Sun Solaris, Mac OS, and others. The compiler compiles Java code and produces bytecode from it. Because it may be used on various systems, this bytecode is referred to as "Write Once and Run Anywhere" (WORA) (WORA).


Java's security is its strongest suit. We can create virus-free systems using Java. Java is secure as a result of

1.not a direct pointer
2.Java programmes are executed within a sandboxed virtual computer. 

Classloader: The Java Runtime Environment (JREClassloader )'s component is used to dynamically load Java classes into the Java Virtual Machine. By isolating the package for local file system classes from those that are imported from network sources, it increases security.

Bytecode Verifier: This programme scans code fragments for unauthorised code that might violate object access rights.

Security Manager: It establishes which resources, such as reading and writing to the local disc, a class is permitted access to.


Robust Means Strong. Java is dependable because

Strong memory management is employed.
The absence of pointers prevents security issues.
To get rid of items that are no longer being utilised by a Java application, Java has automatic garbage collection, which operates on the Java Virtual Machine.
In Java, there is an exception handling system and a type checking system. Several factors combine to make Java robust.


Because there are no implementation-dependent features, such as fixed-size primitive types, Java is architecture agnostic.

The int data type in C programming requires 2 bytes of memory for 32-bit and 4 bytes of memory for 64-bit architecture. Yet, for Java's 32-bit and 64-bit architectures, it takes up 4 bytes of memory.


Java is portable because it makes it easy to move Java bytecode between different platforms. There is no implementation necessary.


Java is faster than other traditional interpreted programming languages because Java bytecode is "near" to native code. It is still a little bit slower than a compiled language (e.g., C++). Java is slower than compiled languages like C, C++, etc. since it is an interpreted language.


Due of its ability to help users construct distributed applications, Java is distributed. Applications for networked computing are developed using RMI and EJB. We can access files by calling the methods from any computer connected to the internet thanks to a feature of Java.


A thread operates concurrently, much like a different programme. Java programmes can handle numerous tasks at once by using multiple threads. The fundamental benefit of multi-threading is that each thread doesn't take up memory. It has a shared memory space. For multimedia, Online applications, etc., threads are crucial.


 Java is a dynamic language . The dynamic loading of classes is supported. It indicates that classes are loaded when needed. Moreover, it supports C and C++ native language functions.

Java offers automated memory management and dynamic compilation (garbage collection).